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Openings: A Shift . . . .

I chose the name "Openings: A Shift..." because a shift can create space, no matter how small or large.  If we can create a space physically, mentally, or spiritiually, that allows for ideas and connection with a higher self or purpose to validate who we are and what is our part of "all of this."  I am about looking at our relationship with ourselves and others differently, through new eyes, with love glasses on, and with softness.  To see the interconnectedness so that we choose love verses fear.

OPENINGS: A Shift into the Relationship Between your Energetic body and Physical body.

This course we discover how the physcal body is the manifestation of the energetic and mental body. You will learn the basics of our energetic system, how it speaks consciously and unconsciously.  I truely believe that learning about our selves helps with our understanding of others.

This can and will be taught for CEU's for massage therapist, LMHP, and social workers.

Currently scheduled sessions: 


Contact me for a flyer to be mailed or emailed to you with more details.




OPENINGS - A Shift into Intentional Movement

These classes started from my 20 year history of Yoga with a mix of my other interest of meditation, tai chi, qi gong, and energy work. We will explore the different realms that relate to what each class or time of year has to offer us. We spend time in learning, moving and stillness. Weekly classes build from one to another. I try to also offer "here and there" opportunities for those unable to commit to a weekly class.

Fall Classes Start the week of August 18th







OPENINGS:  A Shift into How Energy Supports Your Practice.

Come practice with me and experience how energy supports you. We will we be doing different intentional movements with discussion about the “other than the physical” ways to offer your practice.

 Come to one or all









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