Teresa Bushnell
Energy Work for Massage Therapist
4 Classes 24 hours (Including ethics)
1. Assessment and Chelations
2. Meridians
3 Spinal & Cranial
4. Energy Field - Aura of the body
When: Jan. 28th, Feb. 25th, April 1st, April 22nd
10:00 - 4:00
Where: Kearney - specifics will be determined on amount attending.
Individual day $100 (6 CEU's)
Package of all 4 $380 (24 CEU's)
Prepay is preferred.
Pay via Donation button and fill in desired amount.
Additional information:
Bring a sack lunch we will take a 30 minute break.
Wear something comfortable - this will be clothes on.
Let me know if you can bring a table.
Objectives of all of the classes:
You will be able to assess the energetic field in it's various forms.
You will learn techniques to adjust the field to bring into balance.
You will learn self care and self management of your own field.
Plenty of time for questions and hands on practice.
Ethical issues will be addressed in all classes. 3 hours will be granted if take all 4 classes.
Otherwise 1 ethical hour per day.